So, I check up on them once in a while to see how they are doing. And every now and again, I will see one of them on TV, on some news program or PBS documentary. Generally in the background, but unmistakable. I took some pictures of my TV to keep track. Here are a couple of them:

This clone was in Italy. You know that travel show on PBS? Well, this one was all about the churches in Rome. Looks like this clone might be Married. Well, bully for him.

This "me" was part of a group that was waiting for some guy to get out of jail who had been falsely convicted for murder. Apparently they had to wait 7 years or something before DNA proved he wasn't the killer, and when he was finally released, all his friends and family were there to support him. Hm... My clone looks like a bit of a punk though. Maybe he was the real killer.
I will continue to post pictures of my cloners as I find them. Who knows, maybe you will see someone who looks just like me and you will say, "Hey, is that Dr Ominous?" Well, it might be... or it might just be a clone.
I have seen a lot of them in a specific part of San Francisco. Huh, weird.
I found one of your clones, masquerading on a lost writer spoof. This one seems a bit dangerous, but then, he is your clone after all.
Here I was thinking this was you, but it's just a clone.
profile of a clone
Another pic of this clone
Your plan is a good one but I can see a few flaws.
#1. The DNA of clones starts to wear down over time, leaving them vulnerable to, um, needing more fresh DNA and stuff. What will you do about that?
#2. Clones always manage to find out about their cloneness and then they WILL come to get ride of you. This is going to be problematic if you like to stay alive. Don't you watch Movies at all???
How about these:
clone on cash cab 1
clone on cash cab 2
clone on cash cab 3
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