Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Behold my power, before it destroys you.

So, I know what you are thinking. Oh no, not another megalomaniac, bent on destroying the world... Well, I am here you tell you I am not just any-old megalo. Heavens, no! I am a classic super-villain evil genius, and with my BFF (Best Frenemy Forever) D-Structo, the world will not be destroyed, but will become a beautiful utopia... Under our malevolent rule!

In the mean-time, if any of you insects out there wish to join the winning team and become minions for the cause, feel free. Not really any benefits though. No health care, time off, or overtime pay. Later we might have nifty shirts, or mouse pads... or some lucky soul might get their own robot monkey. So I guess you could look forward to that.


ae said...

Oh, oh, pick me, pick me!! I want a chance at a robot monkey!!

Lance Whitaker said...

The world really will be a much better place with you at the helm. I think people would rather have purposeful servitude than meaningless freedom.

Good job.

elesa said...

Can I still eat Popsicles in your Utopia? Is there an Ice cream man and stuff? Can I get a Chaco Taco?

Boydell Bown said...

Hey, you can do anything you can set your heart to... other than control your own destiny. And Chaco Tacos. cause those are just dumb.